lesson – projectGENIUS https://projectgenius.online Working with schools and teachers focused on forging a brighter world. Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:31:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/projectgenius.online/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/cropped-Logo-1-circle.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 lesson – projectGENIUS https://projectgenius.online 32 32 191002203 Introducing Mnemonic Acronyms to My Students https://projectgenius.online/2024/06/03/introducing-mnemonic-acronyms-to-my-students/ Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:27:59 +0000 https://projectgenius.online/?p=4814 Still new to the EFL field with only a teaching background of a few years, I am still trying to figure out ways to help my students and am constantly researching how to improve their classroom experience.

Recently, I have noticed something during my time teaching in Japan is the lack of mnemonic acronyms. Although I have only worked at a couple schools as well as having talked with a few other native teachers of their experience with mnemonic acronyms, my experience with this topic is still undeveloped and will of course need more research in the future.

However, through my personal experience I have seen and heard that not only native but Japanese teachers do not use mnemonic acronyms in the classroom. As someone with an American education, we constantly learned mnemonic acronyms to help our memory for learner retention and was interested in bringing mnemonic acronyms to the classroom.

The other day, my students were practicing with coordinated conjunctions and I noticed a repeating mistake of them using the famed western mnemonic acronym FANBOYS, (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So), at the beginning of their sentence. Another hindering fact is also that many Japanese classroom English textbooks teach students with example sentences that they can begin students with “So” and “Because”, a practice that many students repeat from Junior High School into Senior High School.

When I showed my Japanese English teacher in my school the mnemonic acronym FANBOYS, he had no previous knowledge about it, thought it was very helpful, and will introduce it into his own lessons. While in the west we have ROY G BIV, My Dear Aunt Sally, and many others, this concept strictly speaking of each letter meaning something does not exist in the Japanese language as they only have short form.

For my high school students who are preparing for Eiken levels 3, pre-2, and 2, I tested out FANBOYS with them to see if they could remember English rules better for starting their sentences. Usually in Eiken, there’s an opinion question where the students are given a question such as “which season do you like better, winter or summer?” and then have to give one to two reasons for a perfect score. By providing alternative starting vocabulary examples instead of FANBOYS as well as answering questions as to why they can’t use any of them, I saw a drop in the usage of them.

Moving on to my JHS students, I noticed a trend of many constant mistakes. I chose three mistakes that can be applied to all sentences no matter the question. I developed my own mnemonic acronym for these three mistakes and wanted to test out if it could work in the Japanese classroom.

To do so, I took a picture of a checklist clipboard, added a face to it, and called it SOP-kun.
S - s (games)
O - おー大文字
P - period.
SOP stood for s, as in to make their words plural such as game(s), O, for “oomoji,” the Japanese translation for capital letters for names, cities, beginning of sentences, and P, for period at the end of a sentences. I chose O for “oomoji” instead of “c” for capital letters for Japanese students to remember it easier. Also, it was hard to find a vowel for those three constant mistakes, S, C, P. By adding a -kun, a familiar ending to names in Japan, I made my students interested in him. When I introduced him to my students as my friend, they lightheartedly asked if SOP-kun was my boyfriend and laughed.

After introducing SOP-kun to the classroom, whenever I had a worksheet activity where the students were writing sentences, I would say “remember SOP-kun?” and they would respond “Oh yeah!” instead of me pointing out each individual mistake over and over again. I also would have them do pair work in this style as well where their partners would use SOP-kun to check their friend’s writing.

Header image by Alan Levine from PxHere

Arts and Crafts in the ELT Classroom — Halloween https://projectgenius.online/2022/11/07/arts-and-crafts-in-the-elt-classroom-halloween/ Mon, 07 Nov 2022 02:50:18 +0000 https://projectgenius.online/?p=4297
Lily Song
by Lily Song
High School Instructor

Now that the heat has finally subsided and we’re moving into the sweater season a lot of holidays are just around the corner. When I was working at elementary schools I remember the students being excited for Halloween. 

So fitting in with the October theme, I thought I could focus this month’s post on Halloween related lessons. 

A quick reminder: This works best for younger students *mainly for younger elementary school students*

As a way to get kids interested in Halloween and to also learn more about the holiday one fun activity I do with the 3/4 grades is creating monsters. I usually go over the basic classic Halloween monsters from ghosts to witches and so on. Get the students to become familiar with the English. 

Next all you need is some plastic cups and colorful construction paper. The students will most likely have glue, markers and scissors. Give the students some time to create their own Halloween monster. 

Finally, have the students *who want to* present their creation to the class. Some provided English sentences should be given. Ie: His/her name is_______ . They are a _________. 

Ranking – Superlatives Lesson https://projectgenius.online/2020/02/07/ranking-superlatives-lesson/ Fri, 07 Feb 2020 17:36:24 +0000 http://edu-tech.co.nz/projectgenius/?p=3846 here. Lesson plan here.]]> 3846 New Year’s Quiz (2019 News Events) https://projectgenius.online/2020/01/24/new-years-quiz-2019-news-events/ Fri, 24 Jan 2020 15:45:47 +0000 http://edu-tech.co.nz/projectgenius/?p=3839 3839 English Olympics https://projectgenius.online/2020/01/19/english-olympics/ Sun, 19 Jan 2020 02:11:29 +0000 http://edu-tech.co.nz/projectgenius/?p=3836 here. Lesson plan here.]]> 3836 TEACHING IDEA: Teaching the Past Continuous https://projectgenius.online/2016/09/23/teaching-the-past-continuous/ Thu, 22 Sep 2016 23:48:57 +0000 http://learnwithpeter.com/wordpress/?p=2382 lesson plan

Workflowy link HERE.

Activity Module: Eurovision Song Contest https://projectgenius.online/2016/05/19/eurovision-song-contest-lesson/ Thu, 19 May 2016 11:08:00 +0000 http://learnwithpeter.com/wordpress/?p=2171 icon - video Activity Module in Google Doc (Use this to access a view-only Google Doc, which you can then duplicate and modify to suit your needs.) Video Activity Module in Workflowy (Use this to add a view-only to your WorkFlowy, which you can then duplicate and modify to suit your needs.)]]> 2171 Activity Module — Adverbs of Frequency. Making a Schedule. https://projectgenius.online/2016/04/06/action-mod/ Wed, 06 Apr 2016 11:43:00 +0000 http://learnwithpeter.com/wordpress/?p=2023 This Activity Module aims to give students practice at using adverbs of frequency to make a daily schedule. Click the links below for materials and plan.

Materials ( Planner )

Activity Module

Activity Module: Need and Should https://projectgenius.online/2016/03/29/lesson-plan-need-and-should/ Tue, 29 Mar 2016 08:28:00 +0000 http://learnwithpeter.com/wordpress/?p=2009 This worksheet by Laura Gonzalez gives students practice at asking and answering questions about their dreams using need and should.Click on the links for Action plan and materials.

lesson plan worksheet 01
Lesson Plan Worksheet 01


Family/Relationships Activity Module https://projectgenius.online/2016/02/07/familyrelationships-lesson-plan/ Sun, 07 Feb 2016 03:39:11 +0000 http://learnwithpeter.com/wordpress/?p=1794 Click the links for materials!

lesson plan worksheet 01 worksheet 02
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