Other Stuff Out There: MARCH 31, 2016 blog BY JOANNA MALEFAKI — Formal Observations
Joanna Malefaki’s blog post "I love to hate formal observations”
From the Newsletter: April’s Teaching Tip: Task-Based Assessment
FROM THE NEWSLETTERThis is a new column where we present
In spite of what the term might suggest, gamification is not fundamentally about fun. Gamifying a classroom activity can, as a side effect, make the activity fun, the point is to create a sense of purpose and urgency around activities which would otherwise be open-ended. For this blog post, I am going to present an Activity Module that I think is an excellent example of gamification.
Family/Relationships Activity Module
This lesson, incorporating the popular Japanese animated series' "Sazae San", is a great way to teach family & relationships vocabulary as well as a variety of related structures.
Activity Module: Teaching Gerunds and Infinitives
The lesson aims to introduce and practice infinitives and gerunds by introducing common phrasal verb and other common collocations.
Letter from Nashville: Exalting the Teaching Profession — “Right Curriculum” — Part 3
Curriculum is not ultimately what makes the class. It is the intersection between the teacher and the student that makes the class. Placing curriculum first breaks that intersection.