Passive or Active Voice Lesson
This is a lesson by Jennifer Willet that not only
Commonalities Lesson (Both, either, only, neither)
Here's a lesson with materials by Stuart Dalziel that teaches
Summer (2019) Quiz
This is a simple trivia quiz about events that happened
Prepositions of Place/Map Directions Lesson
This is a good lesson by Brandon Lindsay and Jason
Pop Culture Lesson
Here's a great lesson by Adam Strauss and Brian Heileman
The Textbook Serves the Action Plan Serves the Teacher — not the Other Way Around
"I would have let the group discussion activity go for
What is Self-Awareness?
The key is to develop a few solid criteria that you are going to isolate and track from student to student and day to day. These are a little like when a doctor asks “how does it hurt on a scale of 1 to 10.” It’s not that 8 has some unchanging in-the-eyes-of-God meaning. The point is that you can begin to get some quantifiable grasp of your changing perceptions by gathering multiple entries over time.
Intelligence is ALWAYS Interpersonal: man, thou art slime mold …
As teachers, we need to embrace our slime mold heritage. We need to seek more and more opportunities to feed our discoveries back into the network, and seek more and more opportunities to draw upon that network.
Yeah, you probably CAN do it in your sleep, but that don’t make it a good idea: Debate Seminar, Prepping for Lesson 5 (June 15, 2:30pm)
Teaching, if you are doing it right, is ALWAYS hard because learning, if you are doing it right, is ALWAYS hard. If it's not hard, then you are wasting time.
Embracing Your Four-Year Career
But I love my job, and I want to keep
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