Make the Runner Stumble Forward
"Follow the learner and the learning will follow." People that
CONTENT and SYSTEMS (America’s “Common Core” Experience)
When you talk with Americans about how our education reforms
How do I get along with the Japanese teacher sitting next to me?
You don’t have to be a natural extrovert to cultivate
A Teacher’s Value Proposition
What do I want to give? What can I give?
A Tale of Two Kindergarten Teachers: what it means to center on the needs of the learner
O-sensei was lovely. She played the piano exquisitely. Her activities ran like clockwork, and when speaking to the room, she was warm and radiated intelligence in a way that reassured us that she knew what she was doing. My son, Dana, had drawn a picture of our family that was posted on the wall. Strangely, Dana’s picture did not look like a cloud of truck exhaust fumes.
Your Students’ Job, to Communicate Need, Your Job, to Make Decisions
ask … a) Do I know the needs? What am I doing to determine the needs? b) What decisions have I made so far, am I making now, and do I need to make in order to connect this lesson with those needs?"
Letter From Nashville — Promoting the Idea that Great Teaching is Possible — Exit Tickets and Technology Considerations — Part 10
At ProjectGENIUS, one of the most challenging aspects of our work is that every school has a different hardware and connectivity profile. Moreover every teacher has a different profile in terms of his or her personal devices...