Teaching Idea: Where are my keys? Prepositions of Place
Prepositions of place are one of the fundamental language points that need to be covered early in any EFL program...
Teaching Idea: Some and Any
Need a lesson for practising some and any? This important English language point is the focus of this lesson plan
Report: Japan – Education at a Glance
A 2016 OECD report on the state of education in Japan makes for interesting reading. Although not specific to English language education, the findings have implications on the shape of various English language programs that schools design and implement in their (and the government's) desire to improve the effectiveness of English language teaching and learning at primary and secondary schools nationwide...
TEACHING IDEA: Have You Ever/Past Participles Lesson
Here's a useful lesson and game for practising past participles...
TEACHING IDEA: Using Large Numbers
Using large numbers is a tricky, yet essential part of learning a language. This lesson aims to give students some practice using large numbers in English in game form.
TEACHING IDEA: Teaching the Past Continuous
Here is a lesson by David Erickson that gives students vital explanation and practice of the past continuous...
NEWS: Japan’s Virtual Reality High School
In Japan, N High School is well into it's first
Teaching Idea: You should take a pill for that
A short lesson sequence practicing using modals of advice centered around the theme of health.
Japan’s universities & the need for change
According to a recent article, many Japanese universities are fast approaching a time where there will not be enough local students to keep their doors open. The next couple of years, then, are crucial in determining how many of Japan's nearly 800 universities will survive the well-reported changing demographic...
In Japan, education is war
In Japan, a kid friendly version of Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War' has been a huge success for those parents looking to give their children, aged 6 and up, the educational edge...
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