Make the Runner Stumble Forward
"Follow the learner and the learning will follow." People that
CONTENT and SYSTEMS (America’s “Common Core” Experience)
When you talk with Americans about how our education reforms
How do I get along with the Japanese teacher sitting next to me?
You don’t have to be a natural extrovert to cultivate
A Teacher’s Value Proposition
What do I want to give? What can I give?
What is Self-Awareness?
The key is to develop a few solid criteria that you are going to isolate and track from student to student and day to day. These are a little like when a doctor asks “how does it hurt on a scale of 1 to 10.” It’s not that 8 has some unchanging in-the-eyes-of-God meaning. The point is that you can begin to get some quantifiable grasp of your changing perceptions by gathering multiple entries over time.