Letter From Nashville — Promoting the Idea that Great Teaching is Possible — Exit Tickets and Technology Considerations — Part 10
At ProjectGENIUS, one of the most challenging aspects of our work is that every school has a different hardware and connectivity profile. Moreover every teacher has a different profile in terms of his or her personal devices...
At ProjectGENIUS, one of the most challenging aspects of our work is that every school has a different hardware and connectivity profile. Moreover every teacher has a different profile in terms of his or her personal devices. So recently when teacher teams express concern about ways to keep their content consistent across their classes, the solution that I often find myself proposing is a regime of shared Exit Tickets. That way the team has a common reference point, while still allowing individuals to vary their teaching styles and play to their respective strengths. Situate a rack of hanging folders somewhere in the teacher’s room and you got yerself a shared database! Of course … if all the kids had Chromebooks, they could enter their Exit Ticket responses that way, that would of course obviate hanging folders. Or heck — given that pretty-much all kids have some kind of access to internet-connected devices — rather than waste class time, have them complete their Exit Tickets on the train home. So then Exit Tickets might also serve as a gentle way to encourage your school towards loosening restrictions and investing in technology that will make for a more fluid more pervasive engagement with the kids.