Debate Seminar Prepping for Lesson 2 (May 17, 3pm)
Lesson 2 is tomorrow. I need to start angling towards a concrete action plan. Things that I know need to happen ...
  1. Tangible experience of success with the first listening activity (“Dish Soap for Dinner.”)  
  2. Some kind of engagement with with topic for the day.
  3. Ideally SOMETHING that feels like a step in the direction of this bing a debate class. Probably some sort of opinion-formulation/opinion-evaluation activity.  (There is a debate textbook that I have used in the past with some success that I think will help me to gain clarity on that point.)
All three of these are a heavy list, so I need to keep them prioritized. The #1 objective cannot be given short shrift, even if that means not meeting the other three objectives and I will be explaining that after I run to go pick up my kid at kindergarten.